I have really enjoyed this season of American Idol. Let's see if we can predict who the next American Idol will be. Take the poll to the right of the screen. I put the poll on earlier, but decided to start over since Brooke was voted off tonight (I was a little sad!). So, if you voted earlier today, please vote again because it didn't count. You can vote for more than one, so if their are conflicting views in your household, please vote for them too!
Can I put Carly Smithson down as a write-in vote?
You are such a dork!! But I love ya! I know for a fact you didn't like her above the rest.
Did you know that Shelly saw Carly Smithson in NY and she didn't know who she was? I'm so jealous. I voted for David Cook, NOT Archuleta. My favorite is Jason, but I know he won't win.
I liked Brooke the best and Jason Castro because I like their style of music. I like David A. because he is a good singer and from Utah...but I voted for David Cook because I think he by far the most talented.
I LOVE BROOKE!!! Oh, my broken heart!
I voted for David Cook... he's my favorite next to Brooke, and I think he'll win it all.
David Cook deserves it, but I would like to see Archuleta win.
Dad and I always like Syesha even though they don't usually give her good reviews.
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