As many of you know April is Autism Awareness month. This Friday the Autism Society of Idaho invited many families, including ours, to the Discovery center of Idaho for pizza and fun inside the museum. I have lived in Idaho for seven years and have heard how great the Discovery Center is, but have never actually been inside. It was Amazing!!

My kids were mesmerized by everything inside. There were so many interesting science experiments, and hands on learning activities. (They didn't even realize they were learning, they just thought they were having fun!)

We met many families who have the same challenges. Dan wore his BYU shirt which was great because an LDS family came up to us and talked for a while. They too went to BYU, and have five kids. Two of them are autistic. Their nine year old was pushed around in a stroller most of the time, and has yet to speak. As I was talking to this family, I realized how blessed Dan and I are to have such great, amazing, and high functioning kids.

There was so much fun to be had in the museum, that I finally had to drag them in to the eating area to eat some dinner.

Jackson was so exhausted that he took a nap for about 15 minutes, and then woke up and got a second wind. Our entire family learned so many things about mapping, how our bodies work, how sound travels, and more. They had a grocery store there where the kids could shop for food, and then check out using cash registers. (It is very comparable to the Children's museum in Salt Lake City, just a little cheaper)
We stayed for over two hours and decided that we should do it again very soon. We took so many pictures that I am once again including a slide show.
So glad you had fun. Looks like the kids really did love it. You should check into a season pass. Don't I have cute grandkids!!!!
Glad to get someones opinion about the Discovery Center I have been tempted to take the kids, but didn't know if it was kid oriented, we will have to check it out.
We went to the kids museum this past winter. The kids loved it...I just didnt' like that I had to pay too. But if you had a family annual pass it would be totally worth it to go all the time because they have tons of cool stuff!
Sounds like a great day! I love all the pictures.
I also have to say... I LOVE your playlist! Sometimes I bring up your blog, then let your music play in the background while I do other computer stuff. Could we get a little Brooke White on there?
Rex loves the Discovery Center! Looks like you guys had a great time. Of course Dan was wearing a BYU shirt.
Paige, How do you post your pictures with the text in between?
I love how it looks I can't seem to figure it out for mine.
My kids LOVE the discovery center. It is always a hit, though we only do it like once a year or less.
By the way, I think your kids are amazing. You can't help but love them.
I think the Discovery Center is awesome, my kids love it too. If you do the summer reading program at the library you get free passes, hopefully they do that again this summer. It looks like you all had a great time!!
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