I absolutely love salsa! The word makes my mouth water! I have been known to actually drink the stuff. I don't even need a chip, just a spoon or a Dixie cup and I'm good. I guess you could call me a salsa connoisseur of sorts because I can be very critical of salsa if I don't think its worth my taste bud's time. So, with that being said I have decided to plant a salsa garden this summer. I am not much of a gardener. This will be my first garden ever!! I am planting a small garden that will consist of everything I need to make some delicious salsa this fall!

I even have an amazing salsa recipe that has evolved throughout the years. Today, Jackson and I started this new adventure. We planted jalapeno peppers, green pepper, onions, and tomatoes. I am also considering planting cilantro too. I know it is too cold to have planted them outside, so I have planted them in small cups and will have them indoors until it is warm enough outside. We will see if I even have a green thumb, I may end up killing them all before fall, but at least my intentions are good. Maybe this fall if any of you are extra nice to me and bribe me with gifts and money I will share some! LOL

I've learned some great tips for gardening so far...so call me if you want to hear them!
Fun! Salsa sounds really good right now.
We did our first garden last year and loved it! Canning salsa was one of my favorite parts! My biggest piece of advice is add lots of topsoil, because the dirt in our neighborhood is not good. We put about a foot and a half of topsoil in and our garden did fabulously!
That's great Paige! Way to try something new. I hope it all grows! You should plant one zuchinni plant just for good measure. Then if everything else fails you still feel successful. Zuchini pretty much always grow (right Chanell?)
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