I was asked to provide a picture to the Stake Young Women's president of me when I was a
MiaMaid. As I was looking through my old photo's I was reminded of an experience I had a few weeks back when I was visiting my old home ward back in Salt Lake. I was sitting in Relief Society when they were introducing visitors and new people. When it came to me, the women in the back, Sister
Madson, said--"and look at Paige she is
sooooo beautiful isn't she? Wow, she has really changed and is a beautiful young mother?" I was rather embarrassed and tried to sink deep in my chair. I was told several times that day that I had changed so much. I came home and told Dan that either I was really ugly when I was a kid, or must be really gorgeous now. After looking at this 8
th grade picture it was easy to realize that I was just a really ugly kid!! What was I thinking!?! Mom, what were you thinking!?! As far as the looks department, I could only go up hill from there!
I can relate I have some really funny looking pictures of myself. It's a good thing that most of them are lost.I only have not so fond memories of them.
You always were and always will be beautiful. This must have just been a bad hair day!!
Your picture really isn't that bad. And remember, 8th grade is probably the gawkiest anyone ever looks.
That is impressive!! Your hair is almost back in style again.
The hair is an obvious change but look at that shirt! I think I had one just like it....I better be careful, maybe it is still in my closet! :)
That is so funny!!!! Don't worry, you would die if you saw my pictures! I went through an over 10 year ugly phase!!!!! I love your bangs, the higher the better!
Maybe the wind was blowing. Thank goodness there is repentence for all of us. Wait til you get old and start to look bad again like me. It is a vicious circle.
Wow, that really gave me something to smile about today. We all looked that way in the 80's, unfortunatly. Big bangs. What more needs to be said?
Wow, I am loving it. I am just glad I am not the only one to look back and be embarrassed. I had a total ugly phase of my life as well (big bangs, buck teeth, braces, glasses). I think I have definetly improved, maybe getting older isn't so bad. I am going to try really hard to help Madie to not every look as sad as I did.
I almost wet my pants when I checked to see if there was an update and saw this. Very nice. I like too that you've had 10 comments on it since yesterday. Obviously we are all impressed. :)
I love that you have a Cyndi Lauper song playing in the background... That and your big bangs make for a great tribute to the 80s!
One of my most vivid junior high memories is YOUR HUSBAND mocking me mercilessly when my hair looked like that. I guess my hair did deserve some mocking, but at the time I thought it was super cool.
It is sad that everyone has to go through and awkward and ugly phase, and unfortunately it always hits in junior high. I think every one gets much better looking with age!
Oh My Gosh! Paige, I totally laughed out loud when i saw this picture. I love it. Love the high bangs, I never could quite get mine that high. Anyway, you are so beautiful and what are you talking about Maddie only having muscule, you don't have any fat either. Skinny Butt! Love ya. Glad that Maddie is ok, Glad Zach is registered for Kindergarten and definately glad Jack didn't get hit by the bus. LOL That is totally going to be Isaac someday. He is constantly running in the road. Miss you.
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