Friday, May 2, 2008

Decisions, Decisions!

At the beginning of the school year Maddie's teacher suggested that we pack the kids a snack to eat during first recess, as the kids get a little hungry before lunch. Maddie, is known (so she tells me) to have the best snacks among her class mates. (I usually send her a rice krispy treat or a peanut butter granola bar, nothing special!) She often skips snack because she tells me she isn't hungry yet, and is too busy playing on the monkey bars. Her friends have caught on to this and often ask her if they can have her snack, which usually irritates me, but it is important to Maddie. She usually saves it for the bus ride home, but she has a very insistent "friend," named Sarah who is constantly begging her for her snack. There is also a boy in Maddie's class named D'mitry, from Russia. He is a very nice boy, who for some reason has decided that Maddie needs his protection and care. Wednesday Maddie was playing with both Sarah and D'mitry. Sarah asked Maddie what her snack for the day was. Maddie pulled out a Rice Krispy treat and said she didn't want it. Sarah tries to grab it from Maddie, when D'mitry stops Sarah and tells her Maddie needs it a lot more than she does. Maddie then asks D'mitry if he is hungry. He tells Maddie that boys are always hungry, but that Maddie is very skinny and should eat it herself. Maddie proceeds to tell me that she looked at Sarah who was boiling with anger and decides she has a very important decision to make. She said, "I looked at Sarah who looked snooty, and I looked at D'mitry who just looked hungry, and I decided to give it to the person who needed it the most. . . D'mitry." Sarah stormed off angry, and D'mitry shared the snack with Maddie. I just hope that this doesn't turn into a blossoming romance, because yesterday Maddie told me that D'mitry told her he liked her more than just a friend. I told Maddie that in second grade we are only aloud to have friends. Maddie then wanted to know when it was okay to be more than friends. I told her she would have to wait until she was in college. My baby is growing up!!! Help!!!


Dana said...

what a cute story!

Katherine said...

That is so cute! I am so glad that D'mitri is the one defending Maddie and not the one being rude!

Michelle said...

YAY!!! Go Maddie! Way to defend yourself!