Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Good Mom Day

I think it's a bad sign if you can tell what time it is by what is on Nick Jr. or PBS kids. For instance, yesterday I heard the theme song to Caillou and thought, "Oh wow, it's lunch time already, what should I feed Jack-Jack?" It was that moment that I decided to change my lazy ways and get the kids more active. Maddie and Zach both have summer camp three days a week, but on the days they are home I have decided to minimize the T.V. and maximize their creativity and imaginations. I wont lie by saying that they will only watch 30 minutes of T.V. a day, I will be realistic, but I have decided to get a little creative this summer. Some days we will just have a lazy movie day, because every mom needs to get a little house work done, but I don't want to go to bed every night constantly feeling guilty about the constant lack of time I have spent with my children.

Today for instance:
8:00 a.m. ate breakfast and got the kids dressed
9:00 a.m. Kids played in the sandbox for over an hour (yesterday I cleaned out all the junk and filled it with brand new sand.
10:00 a.m. The kids played in the kiddie pool
11:00 a.m. We made superhero masks and played superhero fights the super-villian. Jackson always wanted to be the super-villain
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Toy Trains, while I bloged and checked my e-mail
2:30 p.m. Stamped and made cards for various members of the family

I figure by 4:30 p.m. we will start cleaning up and do the final prep for dinner and my day is done!

So far we have had a lot of fun, but who knows how long it will last. Notice that there has been no T.V.!! They still haven't taken off their masks! I am sure by August I will be mothered out and thinking school can't start fast enough, but for now we are loving summer!


Anonymous said...

Paige ROCKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't I have the best wife in the world?

meg said said...

I love all of them hanging out in their masks. That is totally awesome!!! You are a way good mom - I couldn't have a better sister-role-model. :) Love ya!

shh said...

What a great day! I wish I was a kid at your house. And even better, they will go to bed tonight thinking what a great Mom they have and you can go to bed thinking what a great Mom you are. And if it isn't a kid day every day...don't feel guilty. Some days have to be Mom days.

jessica said...

I actually like days with no TV. They just seem to go smoother for some reason. Way to go on the projects!

Michelle said...

You are a good mom!! I like Dan's little anonymous comments at the top!! Rex always wants to be the supervillen as well. I think we are in trouble!