I can't believe another school year is over. Today was the last day of school for Maddie. Zach finished up last Thursday. I am super excited for this summer to start because we have the kids signed up for private swimming lessons in July, summer camp three days a week, and the baseball season will continue, for Zach, through the end of June. Dan and the kids are planning on a trip to Utah in July, while I am at girl's camp, unless gas prices soar higher than they already are. Maddie is also going to Grandma Hansen's in August (my mom's) for an "Eight Year Old Retreat" with her other cousin Sarah (a tradition my mom started with my oldest niece).

Zach had a great year in preschool. It is hard to imagine that I will have two kids in elementary school next year. Zach is definitely ready. He is beginning to read, he loves to rhyme, he knows his shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and writes him name very well.

Can I admit, that as fun as summer is. . . I will be a free women next school year and looking forward to it. Jackson will start preschool in the fall. I will hopefully have four free mornings each week with no children in the house. I will hopefully fake Dan out, by making him think I use that time wisely by cleaning the house, and running important errands, but really I will be sitting on the couch eating
bon's and getting addicted to Soaps, or
Regis and Kelly!!

Summer officially starts today for my kids, but the weather would make you feel otherwise. I think the high will reach to a cool 62 degrees. I won't complain, because I can keep the windows open and enjoy the fresh rainy smell in the air.

Maddie will miss her 2
nd grade teacher Mrs. Peterson. I had the opportunity to come in as a helper twice a month. Mrs. Peterson is a very loving and caring teacher. Maddie had a great year.

Today her class recited silly poems. Maddie did a great job.
A helicopter came to their school today. The kids were amazed at how big it was. All my kids were terrified until it turned off it's propellers. The kids got to look inside it. I'm not sure why it comes every year, but the kids love it.
I am excited for warm weather, watermelon, walks in the foothills, water fights, cheeseburgers on the grill, and everything else that comes with summer; but when school starts again, trees begin to change their color to reds and yellows, and BYU football starts, you can all imagine me eating my bon-bons as I send all three of my children off to school!!! Yippee!!!! Am I hitting another mile-stone in motherhood???
Cute family picture! When you start having free mornings all to yourself, I will be changing diapers and trying to learn how to take care of a baby. But hopefully, I can become addicted to Regis and Kelly too!
I'm so excited and yet so far away from those free mornings. I'm totally jealous!
Yay for Summer! By the way I love your new blog layout. So cute!
Wow! I'm definitely feeling jealous! Life without work would be very cool. One day when you have to worry about highschool dances, etc. I will probably just then be starting my free mornings. Very cute pictures! Adorable kids! Looks like fun! I wish I was there.
So happy that summer is here, well the weather says otherwise, but at least school is out!! Sorry I was so frazzled when I ran into you yesterday, I think I have it a little more together than I appeared :) (maybe not though) So glad your weekend went well, with baseball and the baptism. Maddy looks beautiful. Lets get together soon.
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