I can't believe this week is over! In a way I am relieved because it went off without a hitch, but we really enjoyed seeing lots of family and friends come out and support our kids. They loved seeing cousins and grandparents. I will do a small recap of this past weeks events, in case you missed it.

Thursday was Zach's last day of preschool and graduation party. What a hard job it would be to be a preschool teacher. The poor lady had to do the "chicken dance" in front of twenty parents. She had to swallow her pride and cluck with 15 four and five year olds. The kids sang songs to their parents and showed off some of their projects that they have done throughout the year. It was nice spending the afternoon with Zach. He won't have any problem transitioning from preschool to Kindergarten. He has been singing some made up song about being old enough to go to Kindergarten. He is excited.
My parents came that evening to spend the weekend with us. Friday I spent most of the day with my them. We visited my Grandma Hansen who is now living in an assisted living facility just a few miles away from me. My parents took both my Grandma Ham and my Grandma Hansen, my boys, and Dan and I out to Olive Garden for lunch. After almost an hour of no food, and an empty basket of bread sticks, we began to wonder if we had been forgotten. I love Olive Garden, and usually we have great waiters, but the girl that was assigned to our table must have been a total ditz and had forgotten about us. My dad went to complain about the service. Within two minutes the head chef was out bringing us baskets of bread, soup, and salad and apologizing profusely about the wait. From I understand, my dad wasn't charged very much for lunch!! That evening Dan's parent's arrived as well as David (Dan's brother), Yanira, and their kids. We had a delicious BBQ at John and Jessica's house that evening.
Saturday was Zach's first baseball game. Dan and Zach went early to warm up. I couldn't believe how many people came out to show Zach their support. (It helped that Maddie's baptism was that evening, but it was so nice that they would bring their families to Zach's game too!) Two of Dan's brothers were there with their families. Dan's parents were there as well. My parents came and brought my brother's kids as Ammon and Erin were out looking for houses. Even my Grandma Ham was out in hot weather cheering Zach on. It was great. Zach did awesome. He is still trying to understand the whole concept of baseball. Once he hit the ball, we were all screaming "Run to first! Run to first!" He finally realized he was actually supposed to run and took off. He had fun, but got tired after the second inning. He even sat down for a rest a few times while playing center field. (It was okay because no one on the other team could hit the ball to center field.)
That evening we had everyone over for dinner. Maddie was so excited to get baptised she could hardly eat. The baptism was at 6:30pm so she felt like the day went by so slow. Our ward was in charge of the evening, but there were a lot of kids getting baptised from the stake. Maddie's cousins from both sides of the family sang "I Am a Child of God," Maddie's favorite primary song, for the musical number. My little joker Zachary threw his arms up in the air and yelled the last three words of the song and thought he was extremely funny. Thankfully Maddie was the second child to go into the font and get baptised. The whole evening was great. Maddie was so happy, and relieved that she didn't get any water up her nose.
Sunday she was recognized by the bishop in front of everyone in sacrament. Maddie was so excited to get so much attention. Zachary claims he wants to get baptised now too so he can get presents like Maddie. The church must be true if you get presents, right??
Thanks to everyone for your love and support this week. It was fun to see family and friends, but with gas prices, we can understand why other's couldn't make it. You were missed!
What a fun weekend! Wouldn't have missed it. You planned it perfect.
Fun to spend special moments with your kids. You are the best!
I need to get some of the group pictures from you since I didn't get out my camera at all! It was fun to be able to be with so much family for the weekend. Ainsley now feels deprived and misses her cousins, so we'll have to have you guys over soon!
I'm so sad I wasn't there. It sounds like you had so much fun!
Rex and I were totally planning on going to her baptism, I am so sorry we missed it! Thanks for being such a great friend and caring for me when you had so much going on. You are amazing!
I wish I could have been there for the game and the baptism. Maddie looks so cute and I heard the food was great.
What a fun weekend. Maddie looks so cute and Paige -you are a babe. You are so skinny and look beautiful. Miss you.
So I am making my first official comment on a blog. Your family looks so cute. You are all matching so well. Was that on purpose? Paige you look so cute! I love your dress. Give Maddie a big hug for us.
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