(this is not actually Zach's brain, but I thought it made for a great picture)
Many of you have been worried about Zach and the results of the E.E.G.. Thanks for your blog comments, calls and prayers. The doctor called yesterday with the results. I was so nervous that I didn't bother with many salutations and got right to the point. I said to the doctor, "Before we begin I have to know if it is bad news. Does Zach had a tumor or anything life threatening?" I am sure the doctor thought I was crazy, but I needed to mentally prepare myself for any sort of bad news. He assured me that Zach's results did not show any signs of tumors or anything life threatening. I was relieved and could listen more objectively.

However, the E.E.G. did show some "spikes" in the area above his left ear, which is found in many children and gone by the time the child reaches puberty. Zach will need to see a neurologist, but the doctor did not seem to think it would affect Zach much at all. I'm not exactly sure if it is related to Zach's hand tremors or not, so the neurologist can answer any questions Dan and I have. Overall, we are very relieved! Now I can focus my thoughts on girl's camp, and Dan and the kids can get excited about their trip to Utah. Thanks again for your support! What would I do without all of you.
I'm so glad it's not bad news! And I'm so sad you aren't coming to Utah next week, but at least I get to see your cute kids and your hubby (we don't like him quite as much as we like you, but as long as he brings the children we'll take him).
I am so happy it turned out well and I am glad you don't have to stress anymore. Now it's time to have a break and have fun at Girl's Camp!!!
Glad everything came back positive, you have a great family. Hope camp goes well. I am sure you will be a great camp chef :)
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