Thursday, July 10, 2008

Deja Vu

Today as I was walking through the Saint Luke's Hospital, with Zach's pillow and blanket in hand, reassuring Zach that everything would be okay, I looked up at Dan and said, "does this feel like a bad case of Deja Vu? Or what?" Dan agreed.

Zach had a scheduled E.E.G. this morning. He has had some "tremors" in his hands that has caused me some concern, the developmental pediatrician said that tremors are fairly normal in children with autism, but he wanted to rule out everything else first. They asked that we keep Zach up late the night before, and get him up early this morning because the E.E.G. gives its best results if the patient is drowsy during the test.

Last night we played baseball in the back yard until 10:00pm. The kids thought it was the greatest night ever since they are usually always in bed before sun down. They also thought it was funny to see mom hitting a baseball in the dark. (I wasn't very good!)

Zach was a great sport during the whole process. He thought the goop in his hair was gross, but it washed off easily. Erin, my sister-in-law, was kind enough to watch the other kids so Dan and I could focus all of our attention on Zach. We won't know any of the results for a few days, but I will update you all when I know. I am not too worried, but the horrible thought of a brain tumor always goes through a mother's mind as her child is hooked up to wires. :)

I threw in a few pictures of the kids at swimming lessons. They started Monday and will go through next week. They are swimming like little fish! I am so impressed. We signed them up for private lessons, and it was well worth the extra money! They have improved so much in just a matter of days.

Thanks for your prayers. Zach did awesome!


Melanie said...

Paige, I didn't even know Zach was going through this! I am so sorry -- I feel like I've been out of the loop as we're trying to get back into normal life in Georgia. Poor Zach... He looks so brave in his hospital gear. You're in our prayers! Keep me updated on what you find out.

shh said...

Way to go are awesome!
You have been through a lot for a 5year old boy. We love you.

Kim said...

It'f funny to see the pictures after you telling me about it, he looks pretty content with that lollipop. I bet the kids were in heaven staying up late. Hopefully they slept in today. See you later.

Matt said...

Please tell me you are left-handed...if not, this may be your batting problem.

hope the little Z is doing well.

Chanell said...

You are so great to turn something that is pretty stressful into something so fun for your family. You are awarded Mom of the Year (again). Let me know if there is anything I can do. I'd love to babysit your kids during any follow-ups or anything.

Melanie said...

I forgot to say before... I love the BYU pillow!

jessica said...

I'm glad that everything went okay, Zach does look pretty happy with that sucker! Let us know what the outcome is.

SD and EJ said...

How did I know nothing about this? Even my mom didn't know! I hope everything turns out good. He is so super cute!!

Andrea said...

Zach looks like a total trooper, such a good kid. Hope everything turns out to fine. Keep us posted. You look awesome playing baseball!!

Whitney & Charlie said...

Hi Dinger's! Zack you are so brave, and you look pretty chill sitting there! Hope everything turns out fine.

Michelle said...

We have a picture just like that of Rex! No fun is it. I didn't know this was going on, I have missed you the last week and a half. We will get to spend LOTS of time together next week though! ;)