Yes, there are a few stories behind my kids new names. First we'll start with my sweet Zach. He's sort of a klutz. Last week Dan was changing Jack's pull-up (Jack hasn't quite figured out how to poop in the toilet yet). Zach walks right on Jackson's disgusting diaper and ended up with poop all over his shoe. We were all grossed out, but thought it was very funny. Then the next day he was going to the bathroom when all of a sudden Zach's glasses fell into the toilet. Of course he was not about to put his hand in the urine water, so called for his mother to do it. The entire family had to come see this silly situation before we actually retrieved the glasses--we all got a good laugh. (of course I got the disgusting job of having to put my hand in the disgusting toilet. . .to Dan's credit he did say he would do it). Thus Zach is now known in our family as Zach poop-shoe/potty glasses.
Maddie has been given the name Maddie Hollow Leg because she is notorious for out eating her father and being skinny as a twig. She ate two huge bowls of Spaghetti and three large bowls of cereal tonight. . .this is very typical of her. We don't know where all the food goes. Dan has decided that she must have a hollow leg. I wish I could eat like that!!

Lat but not least is Jackson (never a dull moment with that kid!). Today all the kids were sitting around the bar eating breakfast. Jackson was busy not only eating, but drawing as well. His bus was only minutes away and he was still lacking pants. I tried to pull him away from the bar, but was met with quite a bit of opposition. After a struggle, the stool fell on my foot and I lost my hold of Jackers. He starting screaming, when I noticed a pencil literally sticking out of his little bum cheek. I freaked out, tried to pull the pencil tip out of his fanny, but only succeeded pulling the pencil, but leaving the lead. I dug the led out and got it cleaned up. It did puncture the skin, and he bled a little. I called the Dr. to see if I needed to do anything else, but was reassured he would be okay. He is now known as Jack Pencil Bum.

Aahh, the life of a mother.
Lat but not least is Jackson (never a dull moment with that kid!). Today all the kids were sitting around the bar eating breakfast. Jackson was busy not only eating, but drawing as well. His bus was only minutes away and he was still lacking pants. I tried to pull him away from the bar, but was met with quite a bit of opposition. After a struggle, the stool fell on my foot and I lost my hold of Jackers. He starting screaming, when I noticed a pencil literally sticking out of his little bum cheek. I freaked out, tried to pull the pencil tip out of his fanny, but only succeeded pulling the pencil, but leaving the lead. I dug the led out and got it cleaned up. It did puncture the skin, and he bled a little. I called the Dr. to see if I needed to do anything else, but was reassured he would be okay. He is now known as Jack Pencil Bum.
Aahh, the life of a mother.
Totally funny, I too wish I had a hollow leg how unfair. Glad that Jack faired alright against the pencil. These are seriously going to be funny stories to share at group gatherings with you children.
I'm just sitting here thinking, What???? How???
OUCH!! Did Jack make it on the bus? Your life is always the adventure!
Those stories/names are hilarious!! I'm excited to see you guys soon.
Funny stories! What a crazy life!!! Where were you guys in all those pictures? A corn maze? Looks like fun!
I'm so glad that you found me. Your family is so cute!! Wow I can't believe how much your little girl looks so much like the Paige I went to school with. I love your hair! Glad to see that all is going well. Hope to hear more from you.
Love that picture of Jack on Dan's shoulers- your kids are so dang cute.
Such good stories, they will love hearing those when they get older. Cute family!!
Your family looks so cute in all those pictures! Paige, you are seriously so pretty and thin--lucky you!
Don't you love being a mom?! Always something going on--almost always comical when put in the right perspective.
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