Today is Zach's Birthday, and for the past 24 hours I have been reflecting on the past six years of his life. As many of you know, Zach has had some MAJOR health issues. He is a strong kid-- and my hero because of it. Last night as I was saying my prayers I had a vivid memory. Three years ago from last night I was getting ready for bed and saying my prayers. I prayed for one thing that night: I wanted my boy to have a great birthday, with no vomiting, and no stomach problems. For those of you who don't know, Zach had been diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Our gastrointerologist said it is one of the most torturous "syndromes" a person can have, with no known cure. For Zach, every eleventh day was a nightmare. He would wake up early in the morning with horrible stomach pains. He would then begin vomiting every 9-10 minutes for a good 6 to 8 hours. It would be so exhausting for him that in between vomiting he almost looked comatose, but then he would wake up screaming with pain, and start all over again. It was so painful to watch, and yet Dan and I would lay by him all night, and all day until the vomiting would stop. It took so much out of him, that he would then sleep for six or more hours. The day of his fourth birthday marked "day 11" and I was worried that this poor little boy would be sick on his birthday. I prayed for a miracle that night. Zach woke up on his birthday feeling great. We ended up having a wonderful day. However, two days later, Zach woke up very sick and had one of the worst vomiting episodes ever. . .I think it was his body making up for the two extra days it had given him.
Today, Zach has been "vomit free" (more or less) for a year and a half. Last night my prayer was much different. I couldn't help but thank Heavenly Father for my healthy little six year old, the joker of the family, the boy who does Kung Fu Panda moves, the boy who is obsessed with BYU, computer games, and space, and the boy who never goes one day without telling me how much he loves me.
Big Guy, this family wouldn't be complete without you buddy, I love you too!! Happy 6th Birthday!
I am so choked up right now I can't even tell you. Zach is such a sweet boy. I am so glad he is doing better, it breaks my heart to think of any little body having to endure so much. I hope he does have a super duper Birthday, he was so excited when I saw you guys. Hope you have a great one Zach.
That is the sweetest post ever. You literally are my hero with all you have had to endure with your kids. I can hardly handle when mine just have a virus. I love Zach and think he is one of the sweetest spirits. Happy Birthday ZACH!!
Great post Paige. You're an awesome mom. Happy Birthday Zach!
Happy Birthday Zach! We hope you have a good day and get lot's of presents. We can't wait to see you guys on Thanksgiving! We're so excited. We'll see you soon!
He is so cute and sweet!! I'm so excited to see him (and everyone else) next week! I hope he has a great birthday. And I hope I can be as good a mom as you are!!
Hope you had a great birthday, Big Guy. I love you. You are my hero, too. Can't wait to see you next week and eat turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy AND go to Build a Bear!
Paige- you are amazing! We love Zach and hope BYU beats Utah- I think he would appreciate that as a birthday present- almost as much as if BSU lost. :)
What a cutie he is. I hope he had a great b-day. You guys are great parents, he is lucky to have you. Happy Birthday Zach!
So sweet Paige. What a cute little boy with such amazing parents. I'm glad he was able to enjoy his birthday. Hope all is well.
I can't even imagine how hard that must've been for all of you to endure! I'm so glad he is better now and able to enjoy his birthday as a healthy boy! You are such a strong mom, Paige, but it doesn't surprise me either. Cute slide show!
Oh my goodness, I am sitting here reading your blog and crying my eyes out. I am rediculously hormonal right now. I am so glad things are going well with your precious boy.
Paige, I had no idea your little boy has had to suffer through such an awful disease! I'm so glad for you and him that he's doing better. What a relief and an answer to prayers! I'm glad he had a good birthday :)
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