I must admit, I'm kinda likin' this 8:00 a.m. church thing. It does seem early when I am warm in my bed, but once I'm dressed and ready for church, early church does have it's advantages. Sunday was a beautiful, windy, spring day. In the back of our house is a neighborhood development-- perfect for kite flying! There are no trees or houses, just paved roads and sidewalks.

The kids each took a turn holding the kite. Tonight for Family Home Evening we bought each of the kids their own kite and will make it our family activity.

We got the kite so high that we ran out of string. After about an hour our hands were so cold that we had to get out the mittens. We came in shortly after and warmed up with some hot chocolate.

The kids also found time to play with play dough. We actually made our own play dough and the kids got to choose their own colors. Dan may think play dough is disgusting, but I think it is a mother's life saver!

I think Maddie, Zach, and Jackson had a pretty fun Sunday!
I want to come play at your house. . . Oh wait! You're coming to play at mine!!! Yeah! I can't wait. Looks like you guys are having fun in Boise. I would have called and told you about work, but it was just training, first day stuff, so I'll fill you in when it gets interesting. :) Love you!
I must admit, I am jealous of your 8 AM church... We're going on our 3rd year of 1:00 church -- not good for naptimes, or for getting anything done all day!
Your kids are so cute!
Was that your kite? We saw it flying out our window. Ethan saw it first. Our kids love kite flying too. Hey whats your playdough recipe? Homemade playdough is much less messy then store bought. Looks like you had a good day.
I have a play dough recipe but have never been thrilled with it. What is your recipe? Looks like fun!
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