Monday, March 2, 2009

Burnin' Down the House

Dear MoM anD dAd,
I aM soRRy i almOst bURned dowN the HOusE SaTUrdaY.
i Was JUst WoNderInG wHat WoUlD haPPen if I STufFed a boOk inTo ZacH's Lamp SHade. If DaD Hadn't sMelleD Smoke in tHe HousE I MighT haVe bUrned it Down!! iT realLY was An aCCident!! i won'T do it AGain!! it was a gooD thinG moM foUNd it whEn she diD. I gueSS the flameS and the Smoke werE a gooD clue. i Almost didn'T fesS up. . .too bad ZacH blEw my coVEr, i kneW I couldn't trust HIm with My seCret.
i don't KNow why the HoUse sTill smeLl's liKe sMoke afTer thRee dAys!! Hey, i got a GOod ideA, cAn we RoAst Marshmallows neXT tiMe??


SD and EJ said...

That's awesome! Well, not really. Was it Maddie or Jackson? As far as I've seen, they are both perfect angels.

Michelle said...

That is why you make me smile!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness thank goodness you found it. Glad the house didnt burn down. Oh the things kids do.

aubrey said...

oh dear goodness! Scary! Scary! Scary! Melissa's husband once hid her anniversary gifts all over the house. He put a brand new Friends Season on dvd is the lamp and not until the smelled it melting did they realize! EEK!

meg said said...

I totally miss you too!!! We had so much fun. Jump on a plane and come back, k? Love you!!!!