Every Tuesday night the kids get their homework done early because they know mom and dad will let them watch American Idol. The first few weeks the kids h
ad a great time being Paula, Randy and Simon as they debated about whether the contestants could actually sing. Now that Hollywood week has begun Maddie's not so sure she likes Simon's rude remarks. Last night we had to turn it off early because Maddie was in tears. Simon had just told a young man that his voice was horrible and he would never have a singing
career. Maddie was horrified that someone could be so rude. (Funny that she has no problem speaking in "Simon like" tone to her own brothers at times) Through tears Maddie expresses another concern, "Mom when I go to Hollywood week when I'm old enough, Simon better not speak to me that way, I guess I just can't be on American Idol if Simon is so rude!" Her dreams of becoming a super rock star have been shattered. She went to bed furious. She has dreamed for two years of receiving a golden ticket, and now it may never be. After a few minutes she comes out of her room and says, "maybe when Simon leaves the show I can go to Hollywood right?" I guess she is expecting Simon to retire in the next few years.
Maddie, I must be like every other parent out there, but if I were a judge I would give you a golden ticket.
Simon is pretty rude, but also kind of hilarious at times. Maddie is so cute!
That is so funny, she cracks me up! You guys want to come over tomorrow? I think we are over the sickies for the most part.
Ains has plans of going to hollywood too, maybe they should go together!
Kids are so funny! I feel like we end every American Idol episode in tears! Quinn's American Idol dream was crushed by the group round episode... She couldn't believe that her fate could be in someone else's hands! Tell Maddie to just keep on singing no matter what that meanie Simon says! :)
that track here sounds like morgan dawson.
hey, go to movieset.com/texasproducer. i've been filming that show for 2 months in tyler, in preproduction for 2 years, and when my ad came out hiring this weekend, someone downloaded my site and simon announced on wednesday that he created it. Not only is this guy a jerk, as you noted, but apparently he's also a liar and a theif. Stealing IP from a non profit in Texas and calling it his own. The largest holder of IP in the country, and he's stealing from kids in Texas. look on facebook under 'the texas producer' and look at our production and posting dates. He announced this wednesday last week. we were donating 1000 pounds of toys for tots in tyler at the mall when they made the announcement over the radio and we heard him announce he invented our show. i hope you take a second to look at the dates on our production before you open your home to him again. you're kids a good judge of character.
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