So many of you have asked how the MRI went and I want you to know how much I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!! It went GREAT. Maddie was so brave. She didn't even have to be put under which meant NO NEEDLES!! Maddie and I were both relieved. We did a trial run by using a CD that had all of the noises of an MRI machine, she laid in the machine perfectly still and wasn't scared a bit. So, after ten minutes of practice we did the real thing and she did great. We both had to wear scrubs because the MRI is very sensative to metal. I sat in the room while Maddie laid on the MRI table. If she moved or opened her eyes I was allowed to give her leg a squeeze to remind her to hold still. It lasted about 25 minutes and she was done. They smothered her with prizes at the end, and by the time we were finished she decided that MRI's weren't "stupid" after all. We won't have the results until the end of the week, but thanks again for being worried about her.
Yay for Maddie!! And yay for you not having a major stressful day!
Gald it went well, I was hoping you would up and update. Hope the results come back with good things.
Maddie, you are a champ for being so brave. Way to Go!
It is amazing how much our kids are like us. Maddie you are just like your mom; beautiful, tough, faithful and ready to deal with whatever is out there. Good Luck with the results.
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