I don't have a picture yet, but Dan and I have started redecorating our room. We got a new bed spread (an earthy green color maybe sage) and found some gorgeous micro fiber light brown chairs. We have always wanted a sitting area where we could relax, unwind, kick our feet up and watch TV. We have also found some nice pictures, and a gorgeous ottoman to match. We rearranged the furniture too. It is absolutely beautiful. I still have a lot of finishing touches. Our room feels a little plain, so I need to find some pillows or something to help, but it looks great. I still wake up thinking I am in some grand hotel room. Once I get my room looking perfect I will post some pics on the blog. Dan and I were amazed at how cheap it all came together. Everything we bought was on clearance, even the chairs!! I love it.
At dinner a few nights ago Maddie declared that Dan and I are always talking about calories. I guess we didn't realize that we talked about it so much. As many of you know, Dan and I are on a diet. My family it doing a "biggest loser" competition, and the winner gets $80.00. Dan and I are very competitive, but also very supportive of one another. I know I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but one of my new years resolutions is to be healthier. I am proud to say that Dan has lost over 15 lbs and I have lost 12 lbs. We are feeling great!! The competition lasts until the end of March, by spring time Dan and I will look like cover models. By the end of our twelve week diet I hope we have established some really good eating habits!! It is nice to have Dan so fired up about this, it makes dieting easier knowing that I am not the only one going to bed hungry.
Finally I just had to post a picture of my totally adorable three year old. I found that cute coat at Target, with a matching hat and some adorable Lightening McQueen gloves that go really well too. Everything was 75% off. I felt like a girl in a candy store!! He loves it too. In fact he wore his coat most of the day and didn't want it off. I finally peeled it off of him, only to find him dripping wet with sweat.