Zach has never been a fan of sacrament meeting and pouts all morning while getting ready for church.
Now for the funniest story ever!!
Dan really wants a Boston Red Sox hat for Christmas. We decided to go to the mall and check out all of the sports stores. We entered a really small store--10 people would make it crowded!! It was full of BSU stuff. We start to go inside and Zach yells, "EEwwww BSU stuff, I hate BSU, I'm not going in there!" I shushed Zach as quickly as I could and told him it was okay to come inside. Maddie was inside this small store and announces to Dan as loud as she could, "Dad, I don't like BSU anymore. . .Now do you like me???" The other people in the store began to chuckle and the two guys that worked there (dressed in all BSU garb) laughed even harder. We were all really embarrassed. So to lighten the mood I replied, "Well, I guess you know our family's dirty little secret." Dan and I hurried the kids out as fast as we possibly could.

Dan has always been very vocal about his love for BYU and his hatred for BSU, but since that night he has swallowed his pride and told Maddie she could like any school she wanted and that BSU wasn't a naughty school. I could tell by Dan's face that he couldn't believe what he was actually telling Maddie, but trying hard to make it sound convincing. . .it serves Dan right!!
That is hilarious!
Dan needed some humbling! Tell him I said that. I love you guys!
The BSU hatred finally caused some trouble! I love it!
Those are both great stories, it would totally be the other way around in our house, the girls are loving BSU these days. Ellie loves having you for a teacher.
Niko isn't a big fan of church either :)
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