(a railroad car at the holocaust museum, this is how they would have transported the Jewish people to the concentration camps)

Tomorrow: Shopping and home!
The best part of this trip has been the constant laughter of three crazy women!!
True Blue through and through. The adventures of our family living in Boise Idaho.
As a young mother I had no time for books. I read every parenting magazine I could find, but when it came time to read a good book, I was too busy changing diapers and playing peek-a-boo. Now that my kids are older I have a little bit more "me" time. Despite what you may think . . .I don't sit around reading all day while my kids are at school (there's no time), in fact, I usually read while my kids are in therapy, or once they are in bed . . .I am still a full time mom with a house to clean and errands to run during the day! But I have discovered that I love to read. I love a good book. However, Dan and I have differing opinions on what a good book actually is. We both agree that Harry Potter books are amazing, but I have discovered that Dan appreciates the classics: To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Sawyer, Lord of the Rings, things from Charles Dickens. I've tried reading them so I look smart, but I just end up yawning through most of it, and either never finish it, or read it over the course of the entire year, hoping to lose it along the way. I prefer historical fiction, romance, or just a good story. Being a history major you would think I know a lot of historical facts, which I do, but I am more into history for the good story and happy endings.
My all time favorite book is "The Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks. The story of a young woman in the 17th century who lives in a town where everyone is dieing from some plague. She tries to care for the towns people as best she can, and falls in love too. It has everything I could ask for in a book: love, heroism, a good plot, and a little bit of history all in one. I encourage all to read it, I don't think you will be disappointed!
This past February I read five or six books and couldn't get enough. I must admit, I do love a good Nicholas Sparks book (I read two last month!!). But now I am in a book rut! I'm not sure what to read, and have read so many holocaust books these past few months that it is affecting my rational thoughts. I need some good recommendations and I need them quick!! Any ideas??