While recovering from surgery Zach (with a little help from Grandma) made his own Pokemon movie. I made the popcorn and tickets. We had a fun afternoon. Grandmas' are great because they come up with some pretty fun ideas. It was a three hour project, but Zach was completely entertained!! 
For those of you who don't know, Zach went in for surgery Monday. He had a sphincter pharyngoplasty done which you can read all about here and here. Basically having this surgery will force Zach to speak through his mouth rather than his nose. He can still breath through his nose, but his speech should be much more understandable as the air flow travels through to his mouth causing his speech to sound much clearer instead of sounding nasal-ey. He had to spend the night in the hospital, but came home the next day.
He has been watching TV, and playing Wii, but was getting pretty bored by this afternoon. He and Grandma made a shadow-box, colored Pokemon pictures, set up chairs, and got tickets ready. He first presented his movie to his stuffed animals. They thought it deserved an Oscar. Maddie and Jackson loved it too, and would like to made a sequel. Zach is very proud.
He should be back to school next Monday, but he may even want to try going for a few hours on Friday. He is such a good kid.
Glad he is doing well. I had no idea he was having surgery.
You need to tell me these things woman! As one of your dearest friends ;) and as Zach's teacher! Glad he is doing well. I am excited to hear the difference.
There is something so magical about Grandparents. What a creative idea - I'm sure Zach loved every minute of it. Hope he's recovering quickly.
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