Sunday, July 5, 2009


Dan and I wish we could have spent more time in Gettysburg. We were only there for half the day. After our two hour bus tour ended we quickly ate and jogged up to Cemetery Hill. It was such a fun adventure. The reverence on that field is unmistakable. As we started to head back to meet our bus it started raining. . .a down-pour. We ran as fast as we could but still got drenched. We have decided to take our children to Gettysburg when they are a little older, as we think it would really make them appreciate their freedom and their country.

Gettysburg was fought approximately in the middle of the Civil War. July 1-3 1863. Over 50,000 men dead and wounded . . . more than any other battle in modern history on this continent. The Civil War sometimes had brother fighting against brother, friend fighting against friend, and sometimes father against son. There was no "bad guy" in this war, just men fighting for justice, for a cause they knew was worth fighting for. It was said that after the three days of battle the farmers suffered greatly; their fields were destroyed. The town's people of Gettysburg complained that the city stunk for two hot months after the battle from rotting bodies of soldiers and their horses, along with human waste left by the soldiers. Today they are in the process of restoring the battle field to the way it would have looked back in 1863. It is a beautiful sight.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am so glad you guys had a great time on your trip, it defintely looks like you had fun and were able to see so much. Hopefully it won't be too long before you can have a get away again.