Sunday, July 5, 2009

Amish Country

We love Intercourse!! Intercourse Pennsylvania is one of the most beautiful towns I have ever been too. I tried not to be rude, so my photos where quick while I thought they weren't looking.


Matt said...

"We love Intercourse!!"

Does Dan know you're sharing intimate details on your blog?

Michelle said...

I love Intercourse as well!

Dinger said...

Actually, Dan was just saying that he wishes we had purchased the "We Heart Intercourse"shirts they were selling in all the gift shops!!

Rebekah said...

We went to Pennsylvania a few years ago and I honestly wanted to join the Amish for a while there. There life is so simple and back to the basics--in a fast-paced world, it is very enticing.
Loved Gettysburg and Philidelphia, too.
I told David that we should shoot for living in Penn., such a beautiful state.