For years I have had to hide my love for Michael Jackson. As a child I had a poster of him in my room. I remember being so jealous of my brother when Grandma Ham gave him a Michael Jackson Barbie... which months later was given to me. I took care of that doll like it was my own child, caring for the one diamond studded glove, and changing his outfits daily. In high school I could readily give anyone a Michael Jackson high pitched squeal, and was proud of it. As a mature adult I have hidden this love, my husband is not a fan, and Micheal's freakish recent past has forced me to hid my
obsession, until today. I truly believe that Michael Jackson is THE greatest entertainer of all time.

I watched the entire memorial service for Michael Jackson and was very touched by the public's outpouring of love for Michael and also his family. I am not naive enough to think his personal life was as good as his music, and I also would not be surprised if he was actually guilty of the crimes he was charged for years ago (side note****he was charged, but never found guilty**).
With that said, I will still rock out to Michael Jackson on my mp3, and will still watch most documentaries written about him. He is and always will be MY "King of Pop."
You are funny! My first album was thriller and I LOVED it! I agree that he was one talented human being, but it's hard for me to get sad about someone dying who I don't know. Regardless he made an impact.
Guess what I downloaded about 40 of his songs the day after he died from itunes. I was not his greatest fan but I did enjoy his music.
My kids love watching MJ videos on Youtube. Plus they like the Wierd Al spoof videos right after.
I can do a mad moonwalk.
I can picture you and Noelle now doing the Thriller dance! Hooo!
I love MJ too. Whenever I need a mood change I can rely on Michael to help me out. So so so sad. I cried when I watched the memorial (at the gym, on the treadmill--very embarrassing).
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