It is really hard to pose for a picture to show off my skinny-
ness because I started to feel really self conscious. If I had the guts I would have posed in my totally
rockin' hot spandex running stuff, but I couldn't work up the courage. So instead you get me in my denim skirt. . .which hardly shows any hip action and my house slippers. Yeah, I know I'm a freak. I will say that being a size 4 is totally amazing, and I find myself double-taking in the mirror all the time because it still doesn't look like me.

It was even harder getting a picture of my super cute husband. He is a little camera shy. . .you probably never, ever would have guessed. He's lost 40 pounds and is hoping to lose just a few more to reach his goal.

I knew I was in trouble on this picture when I asked Dan to please try to smile just once in his life. . .when he responded "Yeah, I don't really know how to smile for pictures, is this a smile??" We both couldn't stop laughing after this one. . .he actually looks pretty cute!!
So, the question is. . .will we keep it off?? After my peanut butter kiss cookies today we have both been questioning our will power, but it actually hasn't been too hard. Lot's of water, lots of fruits and veggies, a bowl of high fiber cereal every morning, and 100 calorie popcorn have been our secret to success, not to mention a great workout every day. Dan and I are in the best shape of our lives and hope to keep it up.
Congrats! That is awesome!
I knew the weight you loss sounded like a lot - but I really am so surprised! You guys look amazing and I truly hope you are successful in keeping it off. Do you feel like you have a ton more energy?
I am so proud of you guys!!! You look amazing, and I don't know if Dan has ever looked that good. (Am I allowed to say that about my brother?) Don't you just feel so so so happy and proud?
You guys do look awesome congrats you guys worked really hard. I have to laugh about Dan and his smiling because when I was taking your pictures he just wouldn't crack one at all. I need to take some new family pictures with you guys and all your new skinniness.
You guys look AWESOME!!! So impressed and thanks for the hand me down swingset, my kids LOVE it!
You look fantastic, Paige!!! Congratulations!
You look great! I am so jealous as I am 30 weeks prego and feel HUGE! :) - Cute Cupcakes by the way too! You are such a fun mom!
You guys do look great! I already saw you Paige, but Dan . . . . holy cow! He looks 10 years younger! Craziness!!! Congrats. I'm sure Dan will start disliking me again after my 10 years younger comment, but hey you can't please the guy forever!
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