We've decided to adopt! Meet Bertha! She is a resident at the Grace Assisted Living Facility and she is our new adopted Grandma. We have grandma's and grandpa's in Utah, but thought it would be good for our family to adopt someone who just might like some company. It was such a rewarding experience. . .I highly recommend it. Word of caution, maybe go over a few ground rules with your kids before entering an assisted living facility. Zach asked Bertha where her teeth were, and when she told him they were in the sink Zach said, "oh good, I was afraid you always looked like the wicked witch of the west!" Leave it to Zach to make a great first impression! Other then that, I think Bertha enjoyed our company almost as much as we enjoyed her's and we hope to make it a monthly tradition.
I am seriously laughing right now. Kids say the darndest things. Totally funny, but what a sweet idea to adopt a Grandma.
I wish I lived close to you and you could adopt me. I would love it.
Hey Its Warren Baggaley I am doing much better now how are you Paige Its Been a while since we last talked to each other I cant believe that I am 39 Years Old Now I don't feel that old wait until I turn 50 then I will really feel old then I haven't talked with Becky Lately I have talked with Jim either for a while I cant Believe that I get a Real Birthday Next Year in February my parents are still teasing me about my Real Birthday next year so anyways how are things going for you I share an email with my mom her email address is baggaleyellen@yahoo.com I closed my email sometime last year because I got sick and tired of having my own email so I don't have an email of my own anymore I share my moms email with her email me Paige so that I know what is going on with you in your life by the way I have all of Lisa Loebs Cds Now all of her cds are awesome you got me into listening to Lisa Loebs music and I still Listen to a cd that Jim gave me along time ago of Jock Jams and it has Whoomp There It Is on it every time that I listen to that song I think of You & Becky & Jim Because you guys are my Best Friends in the whole wide world you guys are the best Your Friend Warren Emerson Baggaley
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