One of my New Year's resolutions was to make Sunday a bit more special than other days of the week. I try to do that by limiting the outside noises of the world. For the past few weeks I have encouraged the kids to read, play games with each other, make a treat as a family, and limit the electronics. I am not against a good family movie, or a bowling tournament on the Wii, but I just have tried to make an extra effort on Sunday to keep it feeling special. Until today, I had no idea Zach was not fond of this new resolution:
Today, I had Pandora on and had it synced to church/religious music. The Tabernacle Choir was singing and I was busy getting dinner ready, and breakfast dishes cleaned up. Zach came down stairs and asked why I always listen to boring music on Sunday. I tried to explain that we have been asked to make Sundays special, and I thought listing to this type of music was a good start. His response was priceless: "Mom, I know who we can blame for this-I think it was the Jews!"
Haha! That is so funny, what a cute kid!
Oh man, that is so funny. My kids sometimes hate the Sunday routine here, but I tell them I don't care what they think. That is the way mom likes it.
Neil and I are deeply offended. :)
I'm just wondering why Zack hates the jews?:)
hahahahahaha! I love that kid!
Hilarious!! Give that boy a hug.
This is one of my favorite things anyone has ever said.
So funny. My kids say the SAME thing about the "boring music", and if I make them watch music and the spoken word, they practically go through the roof. It's like a kid repellant.
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