I am sure every mother has lost a child at one time or another. You take your eye off of them for one second at the grocery store and the next thing you know you are frantically searching every isle to find your kid; they wandered off at the park and didn't tell you they were moving on to the next play structure, etc.; deep down you know they couldn't have gone far, but panic strikes and you start thinking like a crazy woman!! Yesterday I had one of those moments (actually 20-25 minutes that felt like an eternity!).
Jackson loves his dad. He waits for him to come home from work every night. They are "best friends." Last night I told Jackson that Dan was just about in the neighborhood and told him to go wait outside. Five minutes later I hear the car pull in and hear Dan talking. I figured he was just talking to Jackson. A few minutes later he came in with Zach. Being the good homemaker I am, I had dinner on the table ready to go and told Dan to grab Jackson and come eat. Dan asked where he was, I said, "isn't he with you?" and we proceeded to search the house for Jackson. Front yard, back yard, all six bedrooms, under beds, in closets, every bathroom, and then we started searching outside, each taking half of the block to explore. After about 15 minutes of searching, Dan headed to Jackson's favorite park and I got in the car. It was at that moment that I began to visualize Jackson's face on every milk carton in the state. I tried to stay calm, but wasn't sure how long I would keep my composure. I had a feeling to go straight to the road that takes you out of our subdivision and onto Locust Grove (a busy road!!) and sure enough he was waiting at the corner for his dad (thank goodness Heavenly Father answers crazy women's prayers!!). He had the biggest smile on his face until he saw my face!! I wasn't sure if I should spank him or hug him so I pulled over, grabbed my son and starting crying. He had no idea what was going on, but soon realized he had made a big mistake!! AAaaaaahhhhh, Jackson may be trouble, but I love him.
Scary! I'm glad he was safe. I love your new family picture at the top. You and Maddie are twins!
Ah man! We had the same thing happen to Rex except he had snuck into the Amadors house and was hiding in ViBeka's room. After 15 min of looking, I just kept asking them to search their house. It's amazing those little promptings we have! Glad he is safe!
I can't imagine how scary that would be, actually I just don't want to imagine it. Thank goodness he has you!
Yes we have all experienced that, but 25 minutes is a long time. I don't know how you did it. My mind would have been planning a funeral by then. I am so glad you found him okay.
Holy cow...I can't imagine! I think I would freak out if I lost a kid for that long! Glad he's okay.
That is the worst feeling. I once lost my Gabe (under the age of 2 at the time). I actually ended up calling the police, only to discover that he was hiding from me intentionally because he had been pulling out all the wipes and didn't want me to stop his fun. When I found him, I just sobbed.
At least it wasn't traumatic for our kids, eh?!
My worst nightmare...I always try to tremind Ethan that he can't wander off because I don't want someone else to take him and never give him back. I'm so glad you found him safe and sound. By the way, love all the pics of your family - you're looking FABULOUS!
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