Due to Dan's job as a prosecutor, the children have created some sort of image in their brains that Dan and the policemen physically fight the "bad guys" and throw them in jail. It also doesn't help that we often tell them that if they don't buckle up, while riding in the car, that a policemen could take them to jail or give me a ticket. I often forget to mention all of the good things policemen do for our community. Last week the children were riding their bikes along the small street in front of our house. Dan and I were in and out of the house working on various house and yard work but still kept a pretty good eye on their where-abouts. Sometime later the boys came rushing back to the house. Jackson yelled, "Mom a policemen! A policemen stopped and talked to us." I was a little surprised but saw him proudly wearing a police sticker on his shirt, confirming his story. I asked Zach why a policemen stopped to talk to them (making sure they had not done something they shouldn't have). Zach said that the policemen thanked them for wearing their helmets while riding their bikes and wanted to make sure they weren't too far away from home. Jackson was so excited he could hardly contain his enthusiasm; he proclaimed, "Mom, policemen are nice. I was very very scared so I said, 'policemen don't take me to jail, I be a good boy!!'" I couldn't help but chuckle. The policemen gave the kids a police sticker and was on his way. I can't help but wonder what that policemen was thinking as he pulled away from my crazy three year old. Jackson is our spitfire, but he sure is cute.