A long time ago Dan approached me with an idea for mutual--a mock trial. He would write up a pretend case and have the youth be the lawyers, defendant and witnesses; Dan would be the judge. I thought it was a great idea and so did my Miamaids. We have several kids in the youth who are on the debate team at school and are pretty good at it. I assigned two boys as the defense team, and two girls as my prosecutors. The case was this: during a school assembly an IPOD went missing. The Jr. Class president thought she saw the defendant in the class room where the IPOD was stolen. The defendant and her friend claim that they skipped the assembly all together to get something to eat at McDonald's.
All of the kids dressed for the part. My defendant colored her hair purple and tried to act like she was on drugs or something. My attorneys looked so sharp. The defense team even brought a brief case and a laptop, just to look cool. We randomly chose twelve jurors who listened to the evidence and then deliberated at the end.

It was a hung jury because one of our juror's sisters was actually one of our prosecutors so she was not about to let her sister lose, but she was the only one who thought the defendant was guilty. The rest of the jurors found the defendant not guilty. It was so much fun!!! Dan said that the closing statement by the defense attorney was better than some lawyers who have been practising for years. I thought the activity was so fun. Dan did a great job and the kids really got into it. At the end of the activity I had a few kids come up and ask me if we could do this again sometime. I guess that means they thought it was a good activity too!!
how fun! And what a good idea Dan! I love your new background too by the way.
I remember doing stuff like that when Dan was in law school and it was really fun! Dan looks so serious up there; hopefully someday he'll be a real judge!
It was fun! Great activity, the kids really got into it!
It was a super fun activity, I'm sad I missed the end, but Jeff had to be at the church. Great planning and Thanks Dan for helping the youth.
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