Friday, August 8, 2008


I generally consider myself a responsible person. Dan and I pay our bills on time, my kids are well fed-- thanks to my weekly menu planning, I do my church callings to the best of my ability, my house in generally clean (with the occasional clutter from my children), overall I consider myself "on the ball." I don't know what happened today. I have no one to blame but myself. One minute I was cleaning the bathrooms, the next minute I was literally up to my ankles in water in my laundry room!! (I have no actual pictures so show you because I was just way too infuriated)

Jackson was very messy from breakfast. I put him in the tub to clean off. A few minutes I hear him freaking out in the bathroom because he pooped in the tub (a lot!!). I took him downstairs to shower him off. After I got Jackers all dressed I decided it was time to clean the tub. I only almost vomited 3 times by the time I cleaned out the poop in the tub (a job that I find totally revolting and disgusting even after 20 previous times), I picked up all of the contaminated toys and took them to my laundry room sink. I began filling the sink with hot water and bleach to soak the toys and make them clean again. The phone rang, so I decided to leave the water running while I went and checked to see who was calling me. It was a call from the center where my kids have camp. I went into panic mode thinking something was wrong with one of my kids and answered the call. Thank goodness nothing was wrong with my kids, they were just making a quick call to make sure I was happy with their summer program. After I hung up, I had completely forgotten about the toys in the sink and went about cleaning the other bathrooms. I went upstairs to put something in the laundry when I heard sounds of a little waterfall coming from my laundry room. It was then that I realized that it had been running for almost 15 minutes!!!! I freaked out!! Words were coming from my mouth that would make my mother-in-law cringe (sorry Alene and Grandma!)!! I waded through the water to turn off the sink. The water must have been 3/4 of an inch deep or more and was beginning to soak my carpet in the hallway. Needless to say, after two and a half hours of cleaning my laundry room it is almost dry again.

I have learned my lesson. . .next time Jack poops in the tub-- let Dan clean it up when he gets home from work!! Love ya honey!!


Kim said...

I just read this and was laughing so hard. I am so sorry that your laundry room flooded. We have a carpet cleaner if you need it. Let me know. One to put in memory book huh?

jessica said...

You just gotta love any story that involves poop in the tub!

Michelle said...

I am literally LOL'ed over here! I am sorry you had such a stressful day! We have only had 1 tub pooping experience but that was enough for me! (((((((((((Paige)))))))))))))

(that's a virtual hug!)

Ryan and Angela said...

I am so sorry about your crazy day. I just had one like that recently (I quoted some in my talk on Sunday. If I continued on, it would have included an overflowing shower with Kathleen sitting on the drain completely flooding the master bathroom). I wish I could have been there to help you.