Monday, August 25, 2008
Something Windy This Way Comes (a true story)
Once upon a time, in a not so small town, known as Meridian, Idaho, there lived a young family. They had just finished a busy day. The children were excited about their first day of school; the father was excited about a job promotion--made the head of the preliminary hearing team; and the mother was exhausted as she and her three year old were having an unsuccessful day of potty training (they were out of underwear, and were washing the five pairs the two year old had soiled earlier that day!). The last spoonfuls of food were being eaten, and the mother and father were busy washing the dishes and cleaning up dinner. The family had been too busy to notice the sky getting darker and darker and the wind blowing harder and harder. As the mother and father were busy with dishes, much to their dismay they noticed the kids' trampoline floating higher and higher in the air. The mother yelled "Holy Crap! (ala Frank Barone) That thing is going to go over the fence giving the neighbors a real reason to sue!" The father, not wasting a second, ran outside and grabbed the trampoline just in time as it was about to hit the neighbors' precious truck!
The mother, not wanting to face the storm head on, looked out the window and saw the father holding on with all his might, trying to keep the trampoline from causing serious damage to a house or car. She couldn't help but chuckle as it reminded her of a Superman movie she saw as a child. The children started crying, the mother started panicking, and the father just kept on holding the trampoline, knowing he could not afford a new truck for the neighbor. The mother raced outside to help her poor husband. She held the trampoline with all her might as the father quickly started taking it apart. The potty training toddler knew his superhero muscles could be of assistance, so with no regard for his mother's warning he ran outside to be a part of the action. Of course he left the back door open, letting dust collect throughout the kitchen, though when you are three you don't really think of those things.
The other children, jealous of the toddler's plan to help, ran outside to scream and cry about their broken trampoline that had bent in half and was beyond repair. The eight year old began to worry about other things breaking and began hauling outside toys inside for safe keeping, much to the mother's dismay. The wind kept blowing, but eventually the skies began to lighten and the family knew that the storm was coming to an end.
The little town of Meridian hadn't seen a storm quite that size in a very long time, and, as a result of the storm, the nice family in that town no longer has a trampoline. (This was quite alright by the mother as she was beginning to hate the trampoline because it made her backyard look so ugly, though the children and the father are saddened by the loss. However, the father is very glad that he does not have to buy his neighbor a new fence or a new truck.) The family hopes to live happily ever after........and maybe build a sturdy and wind-proof play house/fort for the kids the next spring. THE END.
This post was supposed to be about the first day of school, but instead the dust storm made headlines. Maddie and Zach are both very excited to be in school again. Their school just opened this year and is absolutely beautiful. They love their teachers and love being back with friends. Zach knows so many of the kids in his kindergarten class, and although Maddie only knows a few kids, she thinks her teacher is "the best!"
In other news, Jackson and I are on day four of potty training. He has been promised a "Build a Bear" if he goes successfully for an entire week. After five mishaps today I finally put a pull-up on him at 6:00 pm and told him we would try again tomorrow. I don't mind the urine, but when it comes to poop-filled underwear (twice today) I'm at my limit. I'm not giving up, but it sure might be a long week!!! And Dan really did get a promotion. He will now be heading the preliminary hearing team in the prosecutor's office. (I guess his desire to be a "peon" and not worry about supervising people only lasted for about six weeks.) Last week he also received a box full of copies of an article he wrote and published in the Texas Tech Law Review. If anyone wants to immerse themselves in 67 pages of discussion about the Sixth Amendment and the Dual Sovereignty Doctrine (whatever that is), we would be more than happy to send you one of his many copies.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday To My Jackson!
Happy Birthday Jackson!! I think Jacker's had a pretty great third birthday. He has been anticipating this one for quite some time. Now that he's three he can finally go to preschool!!! (Yeah me!!)
Monday morning after the kids went to camp Jack-Jack and I went to breakfast at McDonald's. He thought it was pretty great to go on a "date" with him mom. After McDonald's he wanted to go home and swim in his pool in the backyard and play with the sprinklers.
After a long day of waiting for everyone to get home, Jack was finally able to open his presents. It was themed around Mickey Mouse and Dinosaurs--both of which he loves! His favorite was the Mickey Mouse that he slept with and the walking, roaring dinosaur. Maddie came home from camp very sick, so she stayed on the bed to watch the festivities.
Oh! Toodles!!!! Jacker's had a Toodles birthday cake which he was so proud of. I had to hide it inside my shower so he would stop rearranging the Mickey Mouse characters. He loved his cake and actually ate FIVE pieces!!!
After birthday cake he was pretty exhausted. After a tub to clean off those five pieces of cake Jack fell asleep pretty fast! We are so happy to have Jackson in our family. He may be trouble sometimes, but he makes us laugh everyday with his cute personality. We Love You Jackson!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
My Amazing Husband

All of the kids dressed for the part. My defendant colored her hair purple and tried to act like she was on drugs or something. My attorneys looked so sharp. The defense team even brought a brief case and a laptop, just to look cool. We randomly chose twelve jurors who listened to the evidence and then deliberated at the end.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Dan Says Goodbye to Janitor Calling
Friday, August 8, 2008
I generally consider myself a responsible person. Dan and I pay our bills on time, my kids are well fed-- thanks to my weekly menu planning, I do my church callings to the best of my ability, my house in generally clean (with the occasional clutter from my children), overall I consider myself "on the ball." I don't know what happened today. I have no one to blame but myself. One minute I was cleaning the bathrooms, the next minute I was literally up to my ankles in water in my laundry room!! (I have no actual pictures so show you because I was just way too infuriated)
Jackson was very messy from breakfast. I put him in the tub to clean off. A few minutes I hear him freaking out in the bathroom because he pooped in the tub (a lot!!). I took him downstairs to shower him off. After I got Jackers all dressed I decided it was time to clean the tub. I only almost vomited 3 times by the time I cleaned out the poop in the tub (a job that I find totally revolting and disgusting even after 20 previous times), I picked up all of the contaminated toys and took them to my laundry room sink. I began filling the sink with hot water and bleach to soak the toys and make them clean again. The phone rang, so I decided to leave the water running while I went and checked to see who was calling me. It was a call from the center where my kids have camp. I went into panic mode thinking something was wrong with one of my kids and answered the call. Thank goodness nothing was wrong with my kids, they were just making a quick call to make sure I was happy with their summer program. After I hung up, I had completely forgotten about the toys in the sink and went about cleaning the other bathrooms. I went upstairs to put something in the laundry when I heard sounds of a little waterfall coming from my laundry room. It was then that I realized that it had been running for almost 15 minutes!!!! I freaked out!! Words were coming from my mouth that would make my mother-in-law cringe (sorry Alene and Grandma!)!! I waded through the water to turn off the sink. The water must have been 3/4 of an inch deep or more and was beginning to soak my carpet in the hallway. Needless to say, after two and a half hours of cleaning my laundry room it is almost dry again.
I have learned my lesson. . .next time Jack poops in the tub-- let Dan clean it up when he gets home from work!! Love ya honey!!
Jackson was very messy from breakfast. I put him in the tub to clean off. A few minutes I hear him freaking out in the bathroom because he pooped in the tub (a lot!!). I took him downstairs to shower him off. After I got Jackers all dressed I decided it was time to clean the tub. I only almost vomited 3 times by the time I cleaned out the poop in the tub (a job that I find totally revolting and disgusting even after 20 previous times), I picked up all of the contaminated toys and took them to my laundry room sink. I began filling the sink with hot water and bleach to soak the toys and make them clean again. The phone rang, so I decided to leave the water running while I went and checked to see who was calling me. It was a call from the center where my kids have camp. I went into panic mode thinking something was wrong with one of my kids and answered the call. Thank goodness nothing was wrong with my kids, they were just making a quick call to make sure I was happy with their summer program. After I hung up, I had completely forgotten about the toys in the sink and went about cleaning the other bathrooms. I went upstairs to put something in the laundry when I heard sounds of a little waterfall coming from my laundry room. It was then that I realized that it had been running for almost 15 minutes!!!! I freaked out!! Words were coming from my mouth that would make my mother-in-law cringe (sorry Alene and Grandma!)!! I waded through the water to turn off the sink. The water must have been 3/4 of an inch deep or more and was beginning to soak my carpet in the hallway. Needless to say, after two and a half hours of cleaning my laundry room it is almost dry again.
I have learned my lesson. . .next time Jack poops in the tub-- let Dan clean it up when he gets home from work!! Love ya honey!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Maddie's Week at Grandma's

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